Guest in the Modern Value Investing interview/podcast

Guest in the Modern Value Investing interview/podcast
Audio version
Guest in the Modern Value Investing interview/podcast

Innok Robotics founder, CEO & CTO Alwin Heerklotz and CFO Peter Mauritz were interviewed by Modern Value Investing.

What was planned as a short podcast with Philipp from the Aktien Buddies by Modern Value Investing (MVI) was quickly expanded into a video interview. Innok Robotics founder, CEO and CTO Alwin Heerklotz and CFO Peter Mauritz answered questions about the leading technology of Innok mobile robots and the current financing rounds, which will probably be the last time private investors can participate in Innok Robotics.

Aktien Buddies - MVI Modern Value Investing

Enjoy watching and listening

The links to the interview can be found on the leading video and podcast platforms. For quick access, we link the most important ones here:

- YouTube

- Apple Podcasts

- Spotify Podcasts

All information on the Innok Robotics financing round on COMANISTO, which runs until the end of September, can be found on our website. Just click here!

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Guest in the Modern Value Investing interview/podcast

Guest in the Modern Value Investing interview/podcast

Innok Robotics founder, CEO & CTO Alwin Heerklotz and CFO Peter Mauritz were interviewed by Modern Value Investing.

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